Social Connections & Relationships – Do They Contribute to Longevity & Happiness?

Social Connections & Relationships – Do They Contribute to Longevity & Happiness?

Social Connections and Wellness in the 21st Century: Weaving the Web of Belonging In the hyper-connected digital age, a curious paradox emerges: despite constant virtual interaction, social isolation is on the rise. Loneliness, once considered a disease of the elderly, increasingly afflicts individuals across generations. Yet, amid the buzz of notifications and curated online personas,…

Effects of Excess Sugar Consumption on Brain & Mental Health

Effects of Excess Sugar Consumption on Brain & Mental Health

In the recent times, there has been an increasing worry regarding the detrimental impact of sugar, on mental well being. Regular intake of sugars and refined carbohydrates has been associated with health concerns such as decreased cognitive abilities, feelings of depression, anxiety and even conditions like dementia. The Relationship Between Sugar and the Brains Reward…

Does Vitamin C Have a Role in Anti Ageing & Collagen Production?

Does Vitamin C Have a Role in Anti Ageing & Collagen Production?

Vitamin C is a water soluble vitamin. It is also called Ascorbic Acid. It is often promoted for its potential role in anti-aging, primarily due to its antioxidant properties and its involvement in collagen synthesis. Read on to understand how vitamin C contributes to anti-aging: 1. Antioxidant Protection: Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that…

Lack of Concentration and Focus in Children: How to Improve It?

Lack of Concentration and Focus in Children: How to Improve It?

Of recent many paediatricians have noticed the increase in number of parents complaining about the lack of focus &  short attention spans in their children.  There are several factors that may contribute to children having difficulty focusing on tasks or experiencing issues with attention and concentration in today’s environment. What are the Causes of Lack…

What are Negative Calorie Foods? How Do They Support Weight Loss?

What are Negative Calorie Foods? How Do They Support Weight Loss?

In the realm of weight loss and nutrition, the concept of “negative calorie foods” has garnered attention and curiosity. The idea behind negative calorie foods is intriguing – that some foods require more energy for digestion and metabolism than the calories they provide. In this article, we will delve into what negative calorie foods are,…

Nutrient Essentials to be Consumed by Pregnant Mothers for Proper Development of the Neural Systems of the Baby

Nutrient Essentials to be Consumed by Pregnant Mothers for Proper Development of the Neural Systems of the Baby

During pregnancy, certain nutrients are particularly important for the development of the central nervous system (CNS) of the fetus / growing baby. The CNS includes the brain and spinal cord, and its proper development is crucial for the overall health and well-being of the baby. Here are some key nutrients that are essential for CNS…

What is Chrono-Nutrition? Is Timing of Food Intake Beneficial?

What is Chrono-Nutrition? Is Timing of Food Intake Beneficial?

Chrono-Nutrition is a dietary approach that emphasizes the importance of considering the body’s natural circadian rhythms when planning meals and eating patterns. It involves aligning the timing of food intake with the body’s internal biological clock to optimize metabolism, digestion, and overall health. The core concept of chrono-nutrition is based on the idea that our…

Being Calm: The Best Response to Adverse Situations

Being Calm: The Best Response to Adverse Situations

Life is unpredictable, and every individual faces adverse situations at some point. These challenges can vary from personal crises to global emergencies, and how we respond to them significantly impacts our well-being and ability to overcome them. Amidst the chaos, one of the most powerful and effective approaches is maintaining a sense of calm. Read…

The Perils of ‘Doctor Hopping’: The Risks of Consulting Multiple Doctors for One Medical Issue

The Perils of ‘Doctor Hopping’: The Risks of Consulting Multiple Doctors for One Medical Issue

The practice of “doctor hopping,” which involves visiting multiple healthcare providers for the same medical problem, has become increasingly common in recent years. The vast amount of misinformation / information available on the internet has only made matters worse for the patients. It has contributed to more confusion and mistrust in the medical system. While…

The Proliferation of Health Advice Online: The Importance of Qualified Medical Professionals

The Proliferation of Health Advice Online: The Importance of Qualified Medical Professionals

In recent years, the internet has become a vast resource for health advice and information. While access to such knowledge is beneficial, a concerning trend has emerged wherein individuals from various healthcare backgrounds, such as dieticians, nutritionists, pharmacists, technicians, physiotherapists, and others, are offering health advice online. All the above people wear white coats and…